These lessons were developed by the Old Hickory-DMT training group, Kris Brummett, Barb Nath, and Billy Etheridge (retiree).  

Basic Principles of Steam

Water, electricity, air, and nitrogen are all services that are used at DuPont, Old Hickory.  How do we use water as a heat source?




We use water to make steam!




What exactly is Steam?




Steam is the water vapor given off by boiling water.  Water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit/ 100 degrees Celsius at atmospheric pressure, or 14.7 PSIA.  As water boils it makes steam. 






What happens to steam at 212 degrees Fahrenheit/14.7 PSIA when it is released into 45 degree Fahrenheit air?





Steam that is cooled below 212 degrees Fahrenheit at 14.7 PSIA,  condenses and becomes a liquid.  The white clouds of "smoke" you see coming from our plant is condensed steam.  Pure steam is not visible.  What you see are the small drops of water carried along with the steam.




The temperature of the steam coming off of a pot of boiling water on your stove is the same as the water's boiling point of 212 degrees F. at 14.7 PSIA.  How can I increase the temperature of the steam?





You could raise the pressure!  A pressure cooker on the stove that starts boiling at 10 PSIG generates 10 PSIG steam.  DMT, one of our products at DuPont, boils at 288 degrees Celsius.  Pure DMT freezes at 140 degrees Celsius.  We add vacuum to those vessels containing DMT to lower pressure which lowers the boiling point of DMT.



The steam used at DuPont, Old Hickory is generated at our Powerhouse.

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