Stacks of Rayon Yarns, each one placed with loving care in its brown envelope and carefully addressed and stamped, are ready for their long trip to the far ends of the earth---messages from home to our boys and girls fighting for their country.  The mail room girls, Lorene Hill, Adine Lee and Betsy Foster have just finished their part of the job - - - now it's the mailman's turn. 

This is a sample of those women who were chosen to be Rayon Yarns Pin-Up Girls.
The First (1944)
Rayon Yarns - June - 1947

In June 1944, just three years ago, the first Pin-Up Girl appeared in Yarns.  At that time some 540 of our young men were in the Armed Forces, and the YARNS Pin-Up Girls drew enthusiastic letters from every corner of the globe.

Though hesitating to be our "first", Ann Russell obligingly consented to start us off right by posing for the first Pin-Up picture.  The Pin-Up Girls proved so popular that they have been continued over into peacetime.

And now Ann is starting off on her own big adventure.  She was married on April 14 to William Doyle Tidwell, Jr.  Photograph shows Ann in her wedding dress, which was made by her mother from a length of pure silk Doyle brought back from Japan.

Matalene (left) and Kathalene Gentry, twin sisters who work on B Shift, 2B Textile.

April 1946

Katy Warren

Plant 1 Textile

Katy is the daughter of John W. Warren of Minor Construction.  Katy graduated from Du Pont High School and is a member of her shift's bowling team.

December 1946

Evelyn Jaynes, Stenographic Section

November, 1946

Elizabeth Hilton of 2B Textile

October 1944

Paulette Jenkins of C Shift, 2B Textile

October 1946