These days at the barber shop
"bull session" or the sewing circle "confidential
confab" the conversation is very likely to finally get around to
the high cost of living and how the "ole greenback ain't what she
used to be."
But before we get to feeling too sorry for
ourselves we should stop a while and compare our lot with some other
group of workers. Now over in Uncle Joe's "worker's
paradise" (Sez who?) the Russian counterparts of Joe and Mary
American - Iva and Olga _ would really have something to talk
about (if they were allowed to talk at all).
Take a look at the comparison between the
advantages of capitalism and collectivism as taken from Labor's Monthly
Survey, published by the American Federation of Labor. The
pictures present the comparison in terms of working time required in
these two countries to buy standard items.
This beef
roast that butcher, Ray Huffines, of the Old Hickory Food Locker
is showing Pattie Willis of Plant 1 Textile is an expensive item
these days. However, according to the Labor's Monthly
Survey, Pattie, as an average American industrial employee,
works three hours to purchase a day's supply of food while the
average Russian worker spends nine hours earning enough to get
his daily food supply, which is much less in quantity. |

Willie Midget of Plant 2
Spinning would have to work less than three hours to obtain the
purchase of this shirt that Mrs. Mary Jackson of Sullivan's is
showing him. In Russia a Comrade toils 320 hours (our work
week) to get enough rubles for a cotton shirt. |

In Russia the purchase of a
lady's coat would require 1000 hours work. In the United
States this coat that Irene Schnaidt of Cone Inspection is
trying on at Leroy's Dress Shop could be earned in about 75
hours by the average U.S. worker. Sally Smith is the
saleslady. |

The average American worker
can buy a toothbrush with about 15 minutes work. If John
Stubblefield of Plant 2 Spinning, shown here buying such an
article from Mrs. A.S. Diataker of Pullen-Dale Drug Store, lived
in Russia he would have to work 4 hours to earn enough money for
his purchase and another four for a tube of toothpaste. |

A watch in Russia is a luxury
item available to a privileged few since it would require 1600
hours of work (40 of our work weeks) by the average worker to
buy one. Noble Ladd of Plant 1 Spinning would have to work
only about 75 hours (less than 2 work weeks) to buy the watch
being shown him by Mrs. Paul Brisby of Stief's Jewelry. |

A pair of nylon hose, a very
vital part of every girl's wardrobe in "capitalistic
America," can be bought by mildred Thompson of 2-B Textile
from Mrs. Ednett McCain of Butler Bros. for one hour's
pay. A Russian worker could buy a pair of stockings with
24 hours pay but they would be cotton not nylon for the
"daughters of collectivism." |

While a Russian worker
probably isn't very anxious to get to work on time, the price of
an alarm clock to get him up would require 160 hours of his
working time. If Howard Morrow of Plant 1 Spinning bought
this clock from Mrs. W.W. Marbet of Peery Drug Store, the cost
would represent only 4 hours' work for the average U.S. worker. |